Everything You Need to Know About HPV

Everything You Need to Know About HPV

Human papillomavirus or HPV is a sexually transmitted illness that is often reported among people in their mid-20s. There are many different HPV varieties, with more than 100 types that can be transmitted between people through skin contact. While HPV infections may not be life-threatening, they can adversely affect your throat, genitals, or mouth. HPV infections are commonly spread through close skin contact during sexual intercourse. You can easily get HPV even if you have had sexual relations with one person. Moreover, HPV symptoms may start to be noticeable years after you had sex with someone who was HPV positive; thus, regular screenings are important. In this post, we will tell you why you should have your HPV problem checked out by Dr Wallace McLean.

What Are the Causes of HPV?

As mentioned earlier, the most common cause of HPV infections is through close skin contact with someone having the infection. Most reported cases of human papillomavirus are through sexual intercourse, including oral, vaginal, and anal sex. There are also some scenarios where a mother having genital HPV infection can infect her child during delivery. Since HPV symptoms are sometimes not noticeable, you might have the infection and still not know about it. You can also get HPV from your partner even if they do not have any HPV symptoms.

What Are Some of the Available Treatments for HPV?

Since most symptoms of human papillomavirus usually fade away on their own, there are no treatments for this infection. However, you will be required by your healthcare provider to come in for regular checkups each year to check if the infection persists or if any developments within your cells require further monitoring. Genital warts, which are one of the symptoms of HPV, can be easily treated by igniting with an electrical current, using medications, or cooling with liquid nitrogen. Cancer cells that may develop from genital HPV infection can be treated through medical procedures such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or surgery. Colposcopy is usually recommended for more severe cases of HPV, where cancer cells can be identified and effectively removed from your cervix.

What are the Preventive Measures for HPV?

One of the most effective methods of protecting yourself from genital HPV infections is by using condoms when having sexual intercourse and also getting vaccinated with the HPV vaccine. Although human papillomavirus infection is not transmitted through body fluids, condoms can significantly lower your chances of contracting this virus by providing genital protection during close skin contact. Most healthcare professionals recommend that HPV vaccines be administered to people aged between 11 to 26 years to help lower the chances of becoming infected. Adults aged between 27 and 45 who are not vaccinated are required to first consult with their doctors before getting the HPV vaccine. The main reason behind this is that by the age of 45, this vaccine may prove to be ineffective since you might have already been exposed to this infection, especially if you are very sexually active.

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