Facts To Know About Diabetics And Diabetic Testing

Facts To Know About Diabetics And Diabetic Testing

As per the Centre of Disease Control and Prevention report, more than 100 million Americans are suffering from diabetics. Unfortunately, diabetics can happen to anyone, and its numbers are increasing daily. It can adversely affect our lifestyle if we don’t get your testing for Diabetics before or on time.

Diabetics are a disease in all age groups. This disease will happen if your blood sugar or blood glucose is too high. Diabetic is a condition that could affect your body’s ability to either use or produce insulin. Moreover, diabetics can damage your blood vessels and nerves if not identified on time.

  1. The Symptoms of Diabetics

During the early stage, you may or may not notice any symptoms. However, you must check for diabetes if you notice symptoms like:-

  • Feeling thirsty all the time
  • Slow healing of cuts and wounds
  • Feeling hungry after meal
  • Feeling of constant tiredness
  • Having a blurry vision
  • Frequent urination
  • Abdominal pain, vomiting, and nausea
  • Unexplained and rapid weight loss
  • Itchy skin, bad breathes, and body pain.

If you notice such symptoms, you must do a blood test immediately.

  1. The Health Issues of a Diabetic Patient

There a several health issues a diabetic patient can suffer such, as heart disease, heart stroke, kidney disease, eye problems, dental disease, nerve damage, and foot problems. To reduce the chances of getting these issues or recovery, you may check the products available at TheCBDGear to help you fight against diabetics.

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommendations for people to undergo diabetic testing are:-

  • Body mass index is more than 25
  • High-risk ethnicity people such as Native American, African-American, Asian-American, etc.
  • People with high triglyceride, high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol
  • Suffering from heart disease
  • Family history with diabetics
  • Woman with gestational diabetes or PCOS
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  1. Types of Diabetic Test

You can do various types of diabetic tests, such as the A1C test, random blood sugar test, fasting sugar blood test, urine test, oral glucose tolerance test, and many more. With these tests, you can find out the level of glucose you have in your blood within some time.

A1C test:

A1C test is also known as glycated hemoglobin or glycosylated hemoglobin or HbA1c.  It is one of the most common blood tests done to check the sugar level in your body. This test identifies if you belong to type 1 or type 2 diabetic cases. Through this blood test, your doctor will be able to determine the level of glucose in your body. This test can be done, without you having to fast. A1C test measures the amount of glucose that has been attached, to your red blood cells within the last three months. If your blood test results show less than 5.7%, then your blood sugar level is considered normal. If it is between 5.7 to 6.4 percent, you are considered prediabetic, and if the percentage is above or equal to 6.4 percent, you are considered diabetic.

Random blood sugar test

The random blood sugar test is a test that can be done at any time of the day. This testing for Diabetics, you do not need to do any fasting. You can do a test after your meal. If your test results show 200 mg/dL or higher, you will be considered diabetic.

Fasting blood sugar test

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Fasting blood sugar test cannot be done after you take a meal. To do this testing for Diabetics, you would have to fast the entire night or not eat anything for eight to twelve hours before blood testing. It is also one of the most common tests and is usually conducted in the early morning before breakfast. If your results show 100 mg/dL, you may not need to worry about having diabetics, and if it shows equal or more than 126 mg/dL, you will be considered diabetic.

Urine Test

Go for a  urine test when your doctor recommends or suspects you being a type1 diabetic patient. It is one of the quick and easy tests to check the abnormal high glucose level in your urine. When fat tissue is used as energy, instead of blood sugar, the body starts to generate ketone bodies. These ketone bodies are then tested by the laboratories to identify the sugar level in your body.

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

The Oral glucose tolerance test is otherwise known as OGTT. It takes about two hours to find out the sugar level in your body. After your initial blood test, you are given a sugary drink to drink. Then, again your blood samples are taken to measure the sugar level. If your results are more than 200 mg/dL, then it indicates you are diabetic.

Reason to do a Diabetic Test

Diabetic has become a common disease in all age groups. However, it can cause damage to your life and body. Doing a blood sugar test at intervals, you can opt for the right treatment at the right time.