Five Common Causes of a Runny Nose

Five Common Causes of a Runny Nose

Most people, if not all, find mucus to be a very disgusting topic to talk about. Typically, people only take note of mucus when it drips down their nose, a condition known as a runny nose. The runny nose, referred to as rhinorrhea, occurs when either thick or thin, excess liquid mucus drains from the nose. At first, it might seem normal, and you might blow your nose, but it can grow very annoying with time. Fortunately, Newport Beach runny nose specialist has heard your cry for help and is ready to relieve you of this annoyance. In the meantime, read about the causes of a runny nose.

  1. Consuming Very Spicy Food

In most cases, one will experience a runny nose if you have gustatory rhinitis, a nonallergic rhinitis caused by consuming spicy foods. Although any food can cause this reaction, the most frequent causes are; ginger, garlic, black pepper, hot sauce, curry, and chili powder.

The research on the body’s reaction to spicy food has found that this reaction is not an immune response. Unfortunately, the reason behind the body’s reaction to spicy food is still a mystery. Your physician may recommend avoiding spicy foods or prescribing medicine like intranasal atropine if you cannot avoid spicy foods. If a runny nose affects your daily life, then surgery will be helpful in your recovery.

  1. A Common Cold

Common cold, also referred to as upper respiratory infection (URI), can be due to many viruses, but rhinovirus is the most frequent. Although it is typical for fluids to easily pass out of your blood vessels into your nose when you immediately get a cold, this flow increases. Normally, the running nose starts three days after your contact with the virus. The mucus will change from white to yellow and even to green with time. You can prevent this problem by taking Dimetapp for colds, allergies (brompheniramine), and Benadryl allergy (diphenhydramine).

  1. Taking Medication
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A runny nose caused by medication is referred to as medication-induced rhinitis. A runny nose is well known to be a side effect of medications for certain diseases. Some of these diseases include; high blood pressure, depression, cardiovascular disease, erectile dysfunction, inflammation or discomfort, and enlarged prostate. Therefore, if you take medication for any of the mentioned diseases, you might have a runny nose. At times a runny nose can also be a side effect of birth control.

  1. Working Out Or Vasomotor Rhinitis

Aerobic exercises like running, swimming, and even intercourse might bring a runny nose. A runny nose occurs when the blood flows to your nose increases during physical activities resulting in a liquid drip. Research indicates that more athletes suffer from exercise-induced rhinitis (EIR) than non-athletes, and 40% show that it negatively affects their performance. However, if you have a runny nose outdoors, it might be due to cold weather, another irritant, or allergies.

  1. Crying

Crying brings about a runny nose. This concern occurs when tears drain your nasolacrimal duct via the lacrimal puncta. After that, the duct drains directly into your nose, causing a runny nose. However, immediately after you stop crying, your runny nose goes away.

Some causes of a runny nose, such as crying, are untreatable as it is the natural order of ways. However, many of the causes are treatable and should not be ignored, especially if you have experienced this for more than ten days. Alexis Furze, MD, Dr. Furze has the most appropriate care solution for you. Schedule a consultation today online or via mobile.