Here is What You Did Not Know about Sciatica

Here is What You Did Not Know about Sciatica

Sciatica commonly causes a tingling, burning discomfort, or radiating low back pain that can significantly alter the quality of your life. Fortunately, the pain can be effectively treated after an accurate diagnosis. The Spring Valley sciatica specialists are determined to ease the discomfort and enhance your body’s healing ability through holistic approaches. However, there are so many myths about sciatica that can be misleading. That is why it is necessary to set things straight and help you understand more about the condition. The following are some facts you might not know about sciatica. Have a look.

Sciatica is an Overlap of Multiple Diagnosis

You can be diagnosed with sciatica, but your doctor is referring to it as lumbar radiculopathy. Alternatively, you can hear your doctor describing your symptoms as a compressed or pinched nerve. In addition, sometimes your doctor can describe the underlying condition causing your symptoms, such as spinal stenosis or herniated disc. Although it might be confusing to hear all these terms for one diagnosis, understand that they all describe your complications. It is not that you have like four diagnoses. The terms can be used together or interchangeably to describe sciatica symptoms.

Sciatica is a Collection of Symptoms

Some people assume sciatica to be a medical condition, but it is a correction of symptoms. Therefore, there is no single condition known as sciatica. Although leg and back pain are the most common symptoms associated with sciatica, the condition can manifest in other ways, including tingling, numbness, and weakness, especially on each leg.

Sciatica Symptoms Vary

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This makes understanding sciatica more complicated. Understand that sciatica symptoms may vary from one patient to another depending on the nerve root affected. Nevertheless, it is also possible for more than one nerve root to be affected. If you experience pain along your back or thighs, the outer side of your feet, or your leg, the S1 nerve is mainly affected. However, when you experience weakness in your leg, the L5 nerve root is probably the one affected. When more than one nerve root is affected, you can experience an overlap of symptoms.

Some People are More Prone to Sciatica than Others.

Sciatica can get anyone, but some people are more likely to suffer the condition than others are. Weight, height, and age are among the main factors that increase the risk of the condition in some people. Being tall or overweight increases your chances of developing sciatica. This risk increases with age and is gender-selective, whereas men with a height exceeding six feet are at a higher risk.

Treatment Approach Depends on the Cause

Like most treatments for various health complications, sciatica treatments address the underlying cause. That is why getting an accurate diagnosis from a qualified specialist is crucial to get to the root of your back or leg pain and be certain it is sciatica. Your provider will address herniated disc, spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, and other causes of sciatica.

Exercise is better than Rest with Sciatica

You are required to rest when dealing with various medical complications. However, you will only need to rest a little for the initial pain to fade but get on a structured exercise routine to effectively manage the symptoms. Exercises help boost your nerve’s flexibility and strengthen your bones and muscles.

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If you are enduring low back or leg pain you suspect is sciatica pain, reach out to Greenlight Chiropractic & Wellness Lab for help. Schedule your appointment via a call or online to get an accurate diagnosis of your symptoms.