Sacroiliac Joint Pain Management Tips

Sacroiliac Joint Pain Management Tips

Back pain is a common problem. The pain can sometimes disappear on its own and without causing significant concerns. However, in other instances, it can be excruciating and persistent, to the point that pain relievers don’t offer as much relief. Back pain Newtown can turn your life inside out, especially if it worsens, making it hardly possible to go about your routine. Therefore, it is essential to understand what is causing the pain, ensuring you employ practical measures to reverse and manage the situation.

Sacroiliac (SI) joint pain could be the pain culprit in your situation. Sacroiliac joints are where the lower part of the spine, known as the sacrum, connects to the pelvis. There are two sacroiliac joints in the body, one on each side of the spine. The main causes of the pain include arthritis, systematic inflammatory conditions, traumatic injuries, pregnancy, and post-partum.

SI joint pain mainly results from too little/much movement in the joint. The pain can be aggravated by sudden going from sitting to standing, standing on one leg, prolonged standing/sitting periods, climbing the stairs, and running. The pain can grow, resulting in low back pain that can affect your mobility. Besides the low back and buttocks pain, you can also experience other symptoms like:

  • Pain that shoots down to the leg
  • Muscle aches
  • Difficulty standing straight
  • Limited spine flexibility

Managing SI joint pain can help you maintain an active lifestyle. Among the straightforward tips to consider include:

Be gentle

Staying active can help, but you must be careful to ensure you don’t aggravate the pain. Gently stand and slowly start your activities. A few minutes of lighter activities like walking, swimming, or cycling on stationary can help. You can also include other gentle exercises like yoga. This helps you stretch the joints and muscles, reducing back pain.

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The posture

You should avoid certain movements and postures since they can slow the healing process or worsen SI joint pain. For instance, a posture that involves shifting more weight to one leg, for example, common in golfing or ice skating, can worsen the situation since it adds more stress to the SI joint. Postures, such as doing sit-ups or where you bend from the waist to the knees straight, also should be avoided. Running can also aggravate the situation.

Keep your body aligned when walking, standing, sitting, and managing other activities. Aligned posture helps eliminate extra posture off the lower back. This lowers the pain and helps fast-track the healing process.

Cool or heat

An ice pack can help cool the joint and reduce swelling. It can also numb the pain. Don’t overdo it, though. Observe enough breaks, ideally over 3 minutes, allowing the blood vessels to function normally. Heat can also help, especially when dealing with tight muscles. Place a hot water bottle or heating pad on your back, helping you work on the muscles and alleviate the pain.

Use a brace

A Sacroiliac brace can help you relieve SI joint pain. The brace keeps the joint from moving too much, allowing it to heal. If under your doctor’s recommendation, you will most likely have to wear it throughout the day for better results.

Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are usually the go-to for many people but are not the only effective option. With the above pointer, you can do more to manage the lower back pain and promote healing. Seek medical attention is also crucial since untreated back pain can signify another underlying concern that could cause significant health issues. Visit Performance Pain and Sports Medicine today to learn more about back pain diagnosis, treatment, and management options.