When to Seek Medical Help for Spider Veins?

When to Seek Medical Help for Spider Veins?

Spider veins are more common than you think. They may not be painful, but their appearance on your legs may not be pleasing. Many people find themselves shying away from showing them, which may affect their confidence. The unsightly veins affect more women than men and are likely to occur if you have a family history. The Aventura spider veins specialist, Ariel Soffer, MD, FACC, provides comprehensive evaluation and efficient treatments to restore your vein health and leg appearance. Continue reading to understand more about spider veins.

What are spider veins?

Spider veins are visible under your skin as blue, purple, or red, forming a spider web-like shape on your legs. They may also appear on your face.

Spider veins occur due to valve malfunction or damage, disrupting the blood flow in the veins. The valve opens and closes, allowing smooth blood flow and stopping the blood from flowing backward through the veins.

When the valves are weak or damaged, they cause blood to flow backward, causing blood to flood your veins.

When should you see your provider for spider veins?

Typically, spider veins may not cause any discomfort other than being ugly. However, you may need to see your health provider if you develop the following symptoms.

  •         Swelling
  •         Skin discoloration
  •         Warmth
  •         Tenderness
  •         Redness
  •         Leg pain

The above symptoms may indicate a health problem, including a blood clot which may lead to more health complications. You may also access the consultation through telemedicine, where your provider may advise whether you need to visit the office or not.

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Diagnosis of spider veins

The vascular health specialist Dr. Soffer and the team at Soffer Health Institute conduct comprehensive physical exams to assess your spider veins and overall health. Besides taking a physical exam to examine your veins, they also use ultrasound to check out your vein problem.

They conduct further testing, including venograms, where your provider injects a unique dye into the damaged veins to check for any blood clots.

Treatments for spider veins?

Spider veins may not be necessary if you do not have any uncomfortable symptoms. But, your provider may still recommend lifestyle modifications and compression socks to promote blood circulation in your veins.

All the treatments at Soffer Health Institute begin with minimally invasive or conservative techniques before moving to more invasive methods.

Where your spider veins make you feel uncomfortable about your leg appearance or they are causing pain, your provider uses advanced laser treatments to eliminate the veins. They may also use noninvasive surgery that involves making tiny incisions.

Besides providing the spider veins treatments, they advise on measures to prevent new ones from forming. Living a physically active life and eating healthy diets can improve your vein health.

It is also essential to work on maintaining a healthy weight and keep away from sitting for long hours without taking a break.

Medical evaluation for spider veins is vital even when they do not cause uncomfortable symptoms. Please reach out to your health provider when you notice spider veins. Contact Soffer Health Institute today to schedule your consultation.