What to Consider Before Having a Root Canal

What to Consider Before Having a Root Canal

Tooth pain and sensitivity can affect your sleep quality and the foods you can eat. The pain can be sudden, sharp, or dull, depending on how severe the decay is, which will require treatment. It helps to consider the procedure and recovery before a root canal Totowa treatment.

Root canal treatments can save your tooth and prevent a tooth removal procedure. Before your specialist performs the procedure, they must examine your mouth to identify how many surrounding teeth are affected.

Symptoms that indicate you need a root canal

You might need a root canal if your dental pulp is infected. A dental or tooth pulp is made of soft tissues, including nerves and blood vessels, which can cause immense pain when infected. Since you don’t want to remove the affected tooth, your dentist can suggest a root canal treatment to remove the infected pulp and preserve your tooth.

Although persistent tooth pain is one of the most significant symptoms, it is not the only one. Other symptoms include severe sensitivity to heat or cold, pus drainage from the affected tooth, and gum tenderness or swelling. Visiting your primary healthcare provider can help you get an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

What does the treatment involve?

Before your treatment can begin, your dentist will physically examine your tooth by pressing the tissues surrounding tissues and checking for tenderness. If necessary they can perform X-rays to check the extent of the decay. During treatment, your specialist will administer a numbing agent to help you relax. Next, they will apply a dental dam to isolate the affected tooth and prevent dental tools from slipping down your throat.

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Using small dental tools, your dentist will create a small opening on the top of your tooth to access the infected pulp. They will remove the decay and clean the chamber thoroughly. Next, they will rinse the chamber using an antibacterial solution to prevent decay progression.

When your tooth is dry, your specialist will apply a temporary filling to cover the camber and send you home to recover.


You must follow your dentist’s guidelines to promote a quick recovery following a root canal. Your specialist will expect you to take it easy, especially for the first few days after treatment. As your dental pulp heals, you should avoid biting down on the tooth until you have a permanent crown.

You might have to take medications during recovery to deal with the pain. Avoid chewing sticky foods or hard objects like fingernails or ice. When eating, try to chew food on the side that was not treated. Biting down on the treated tooth can lead to severe pain because your tissues are still healing.

Remember to maintain high standards of dental hygiene to prevent recurrent infections. Brush your teeth using fluoride toothpaste and floss daily to remove stuck food particles.

If you have persistent tooth pain due to a dental cavity, visit b Dental Spa for a root canal treatment. The dental team at the facility will examine your mouth carefully before administering the treatment. Call or book your appointment online and prevent a tooth extraction procedure.

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