Author: sweety

I am an Author and what makes me the one is my ability of playing with the words. I also enjoy writing poetry and engaging my audience in my words. I have written for many websites and eBook and gained a good response.
Treat Your Back Injuries Through Surgery

Back injuries may be severely debilitating, making you immobile and unable to carry out your daily activities. Some injuries may heal through minimal efforts such as exercising, medication or therapy. However, other serious injuries may […]

Everything You Should Know About Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth usually come in when you’re older, around ages 17 to 21, hence their name. These teeth are molars at the very back of your mouth. They complete the set of 32 adult teeth, […]

How To Manage Diabetes

Unmanaged diabetes can interfere with your mobility and, in severe cases, threaten your life. A diagnosis of diabetes means that your body cannot convert your blood sugar into energy. This causes it to rise, resulting […]

Suitable solutions if you think you have low libido

Despite contrary beliefs, the number of people undergoing low libido issues is higher than most can admit. This topic is not one people are willing to discuss in public due to its moral implications for […]

Why You Should Seek Arthritis Interventional Pain Management

Arthritis causes stiffness, swelling, and pain. This can considerably impact your joints’ range of motion, affecting the quality of your life. The pain can be mild, moderate, or severe and could worsen if left unmanaged, […]

Top Reasons Why You May Need a CT Scan

Imaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT) or computerized axial tomography (CAT) scans capture two-dimensional images of a specific body area. Multiple x-ray images are combined to get more precise images of anatomical features for […]

Benefits of Seeing Personal Injury Medical Experts

There is much to do in the aftermath of personal injury, including getting copies of police reports and submitting insurance claims. It is human nature to want to push off finding a personal injury doctor […]

The Benefits of Interventional Pain Management

Do you have recurrent chronic pain even after taking conventional medications? Sometimes the medications and therapies deal with the pain symptoms, and it would be better to opt for interventional pain management techniques. Interventional pain […]

How To Manage Diabetic Foot Complications

Diabetes is one of the medical conditions that require constant medical care. If diabetes is left unmanaged, it can develop non-healing wounds that could eventually lead to foot amputation. If you are looking for comprehensive […]

Benefits of Visiting Wellness Centers

It is no secret that leading a healthy lifestyle can help you prevent various diseases and ailments. But, did you know that regularly visiting a health and wellness center can also play a role in […]