Most women go through a natural decline in their reproductive hormones as they age. This stage of life is termed menopause. However, some women may experience this condition earlier due to other factors such as surgical removal of their ovaries or uterus. Lack of a period for 12 consecutive months without being pregnant or ill is a key indicator that you are going through menopause. However, there are many other indicators of menopause Lake Mary that you should watch out for. Continue reading to learn more.
Mood Swings
Hormonal changes that occur during menopause may cause frequent changes in your mood. Furthermore, if you have a history of depression or anxiety, your symptoms may become worse. If you have been experiencing frequent mood swings, see your doctor for a prescription to help you feel better.
Insomnia is a symptom of menopause that appears to be more common in women with reduced levels of hormones like estrogen. Besides, you may experience sleep deprivation due to hot flushes and sweating at night which are common during menopause. Lack of sleep may likely lead to negative lifestyle and daily routine changes. Luckily, your doctor can help you improve your sleep by using treatments like hormone replacement therapy.
Low Sex Drive
Low estrogen levels during menopause can cause changes in a woman’s sexual drive. You may notice that you have become less aroused or experience reduced sensitivity, leading to decreased sexual interest. Additionally, low estrogen levels can cause a decrease in blood supply to your vagina. As a result, your vagina becomes too dry, leading to uncomfortable sex.
Hair Loss
Hormonal changes are often the cause of hair loss during menopause. Often, this menopause-related hair loss results from a depletion in progesterone and estrogen generation. These hormones are particularly responsible for faster hair development and avoid any thinning or hair loss. If you are experiencing hair loss, you can control it by consuming a healthier diet, avoiding using heat in your hair, and taking a lot of water. You can also visit your doctor to get medication or supplements to help prevent hair loss.
Memory Loss
Memory problems during menopause are entirely normal. You might have difficulty remembering a colleague’s name or even forget where you put your cell phone. During the menopausal hormone shift, forgetfulness or “brain fog” is common and is no cause for concern. However, if your cognitive impairments are beginning to interfere with your daily life, it may be time to consult your doctor.
Weight Gain
Most women gain weight during the menopause transition. The hormonal changes that come with menopause might make you gain more weight around your abdomen than other parts of the body. Unfortunately, this physical transformation is unavoidable. You can, however, control your weight by exercising regularly and adopting healthy eating habits.
Menopause is normal and every woman will experience it at some point in life. However, most women have no idea when they will enter menopause. As a result, it is crucial to pay attention to your bodily changes and how you are feeling. The signs and symptoms of menopause may differ from woman to woman. Some women experience no symptoms at all. Nonetheless, if you have any of the symptoms discussed above, make an appointment with your doctor right away.