How To Improve Your PR at the Next Race

How To Improve Your PR at the Next Race

When you are a competitive runner, it’s important to try out new strategies at each race to see which ones work for you. You can shave seconds off your time just by implementing new techniques that other runners have successfully used. Here are some of the best ways to increase your pace and conserve energy throughout the course so you can come out on top.

Train Well

Depending on the type of race you want to run, you need to train for the specific skills you need to succeed. While tactical course competitors need to practice with glocks Nashville TN and obstacles, you need to improve your form and cross-training for the road or the trail.

Visualize Race

Many top athletes use visualization to help them achieve their elite status. This psychological strategy can help you get the win. It works by allowing you to see yourself performing at an amazing level, which makes your brain believe you are doing it in real life. The trick is to be able to visualize the race as clearly as possible, everything from the weather to the feel of the ground to the excitement of the day. When you show up on race day, your confidence will soar.

Run Shortest Distances

Know the course well enough to be able to run the shortest distances between two points. Around curves, make sure you’re going from inside corner to inside corner as much as possible.

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Pass Fast

Decrease the confidence of your competition by surging as you pass them. Even if you’re feeling worn down, try to recover for a few paces and then burst around them. It will make it less likely for them to increase their own pace to catch up to you.

These are just a few of the tricks you can try to improve your race time the next time you are competing for the win.