5 Ways to Manage Spine, Neck, and Back Pains

5 Ways to Manage Spine, Neck, and Back Pains

Spine, neck, and back pains are among the most common physical complications. It is estimated that we are likely to experience neck, back, and spine pains at some point in our lives. Some of the possible triggers of these conditions include; sports injury, work injury, or a pre-existing ailment like arthritis. Spine, neck, and back pains can interfere with your everyday activities.

However, there are various effective ways, such as maintaining a good posture, avoiding smoking, taking medications, and many others, that can help with your neck, back, and spine pains. Here are the five ways to manage Munster spine, neck and back pains.

Remain Physically Active

You might feel like taking a break from all physical activity when experiencing spine, neck, and back pains, but doing so can worsen the pain. Being active is usually the first thing your orthopedic doctor will recommend for these pains. You may also be advised to increase or maintain your normal daily movement and activity level. By regularly performing strength-focused exercises, you will be able to improve the flexibility of your ligaments and muscles and improve body function and your range of motion. Core strength exercises can also strengthen your lower back, relieve strain on your spine and improve your posture.

Eat Anti-inflammatory Foods

The type of foods you eat and the quantity can trigger and prevent various health complications, including spine, neck, and back pains. Various reports have suggested that an anti-inflammatory diet can work as effectively as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications to relieve spine, neck, and back pain. Some of the recommended anti-inflammatory foods include; green, leafy vegetables, fish, seeds, nuts, non-saturated fats, and brightly-colored fruits.

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Maintain a Healthy Weight

Being overweight can greatly strain your spinal cord and back muscles. It is often advisable to lose the extra weight to help alleviate your lower back pain, prevents the pain from worsening, and eliminate the need for pain-relieving medication. If you are experiencing problems getting rid of this extra weight, you can consult your doctor, who will help you devise a suitable weight loss program and recommend other weight loss techniques.

Maintain a Good Posture

One of the main causes of spine, neck, and back pains is maintaining a poor posture-whether sitting or standing. Maintaining a poor posture causes you to exert more pressure on your lower back, causing pain and discomfort. To help you maintain a good posture, you can consider using straps, stretchy bands, or tape. They will help you position your head over your pelvis and prevent you from craning your chin forward or slouching your shoulders. Additionally, take short breaks by performing some stretching exercises after sitting on the chair for long periods.

Avoid Smoking

Research suggests that smoking prevents normal blood flow and causes an inadequate supply of nutrients and oxygen throughout your body tissues. This usually causes your back and spine muscles to weaken, resulting in chronic lower back pain.

Minor cases of spine, neck and back pain tend to lessen within a day or two of simple exercises and over-the-counter medications. However, you should contact your orthopedic for more advanced treatment procedures if this pain persists. To determine the immediate cause of your spine, neck, and back pain, your doctor will first perform a thorough physical exam, inquire about your medical history and perform other diagnostic tests. Your doctor may recommend various pain management techniques such as acupuncture, acupuncture, medication, and counseling to help manage the pain.

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