Five Facts about Brain Cancer Everyone Need To Understand

Five Facts about Brain Cancer Everyone Need To Understand

Cancer is a tormenting term; many see it as a death sentence. Different types, like brain, lung, and breast cancer, are among the leading killer diseases. Today, physicians focus on screening brain cancer Tempe to safeguard people from this killer disease.

You should consider getting regular examinations to assure you are not at increased risk. However, misinformation about this issue can hinder you from seeking treatment. Thus, this article analyzes five facts about brain cancer everyone should understand.

Headaches Do Not Always Signify Brain Cancer

Frequent headaches that worsen with time can be a brain tumor symptom. However, these headaches do not always imply you have brain cancer. Other warning symptoms include confusion, seizures, and vomiting.

Individuals with brain cancer have signs like confusion and seizures without headaches. You should see a general neurologist if you suspect any signs. The specialist will examine your symptoms before concluding the issue you have.

All Brain Tumors Do Not Start In the Brain

Brain tumors that start in the brain are called primary brain tumors originating in the spinal cord, brain, or close tissues. These tumors occur when normal cells cannot replicate their DNA effectively in these areas. If your cancer does not originate in the brain, it is called a secondary brain tumor.

Secondary brain tumors originate from other parts of the body. These cells break off from the original tumor and spread to the brain via your bloodstream. Kidney, breast, and lung cancers have been found to cause brain cancer.

Brain Cancer Can Alter Your Mood and Thinking

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One side effect you can get if you live with brain cancer is a change in your mindset. This change can gradually impact your mood and personality. As the tumor progresses, you will feel like a completely different person.

The location of your brain cancer, stress, and prescription medications can lead to brain changes. Sometimes, you may experience brain alterations, including outbursts, memory loss, and mood swings. You should consult your physician for screening when suspicious of these symptoms.

Survival Rates Can Vary

The possibility of surviving after being diagnosed with brain cancer depends on various factors. The type of cancer, age, molecular markers, and location can influence the survival rate. Some kinds of brain cancer, like meningioma, are highly treatable, while others, like glioblastoma, are less responsive to treatments.

Several methods can be applied to increase the success rate depending on your need. Your surgeon can administer radiation therapy, surgery, and chemotherapy. You should seek care and look for suggestions for individuals who spend most of their time treating brain cancer.

There Are Over 120 Types of Brain Tumors

Brain tumors occur in several types and are recognized by the tissue it originates from. Meningioma is the popular type of brain tumor and represents around 30% of all cases. It starts in the meninges, the layer responsible for safeguarding your brain under the skull.

Glioma is a brain tumor from the glial cells responsible for supporting neurons. Based on the mutation, it can start in the spinal cord or brain and can be less or more aggressive. Fortunately, most of these types of brain tumors are treatable through new therapies.

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If it goes undiagnosed and untreated, brain cancers can be life-threatening. You are responsible for getting regular screenings to reduce the chances of getting the dangerous disease. You should contact an oncologist if you are experiencing speech impairments, headaches, and seizures.

Oncologists will help you by administering screenings to test for any signs and symptoms of cancerous cells in your brain. They can recommend procedures such as chemotherapy. Afterward, they will offer you preventative and management tips if you are detected with the disease.

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