Risk Factors of Early Menopause

Risk Factors of Early Menopause

While most females reach menopause between the ages of 41 and 55, various things can disrupt the natural cycle of a woman’s reproductive system. This can cause Jackson Heights menopause to occur sooner than usual. Early ovarian failure is another term for premature menopause. According to the American Pregnancy Association, around one in 1,000 women aged 15 to 29 and one in 100 women aged 30 to 39 suffer early menopause. Premature menopause can be caused by surgery in rare situations. Examples include ovaries removal and radiation damage. Premature menopause can also be caused by a hereditary illness or a pre-existing ailment. The following are some risk factors for early menopause.

  1. Chromosomal abnormalities

It has been shown that some chromosomal anomalies might cause menopause to occur sooner than usual. Fragile X syndrome is a genetic disorder resulting in various developmental issues, including ovarian insufficiency, leading to premature menopause. Similarly, women with Turner syndrome (a genetic disease defined by an incomplete chromosome) frequently experience ovarian function issues, which can lead to early menopause.

  1. Surgical techniques

A specialized procedure, particularly one involving the reproductive organs, might cause early menopause. This is more frequent among women who have had a single oophorectomy (removing one ovary) or a hysterectomy (when the uterus is removed). These treatments reduce the amounts of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, which encourages menstruation to stop.

  1. Smoking

A habit of cigarette smoking can lead to early menopause. Smoking daily can expedite the onset of menopause by up to a year. It is hypothesized that the polycyclic hydrocarbons found in cigarette smoke are primarily responsible for inducing menstrual cessation.

  1. Neurological issues
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Epilepsy and other neurological problems have been related to early menopause. This is more common in women with a large frequency of seizures or catamenial epilepsy (when seizures worsen around the time a female gets her period).

  1. Autoimmune diseases

A variety of autoimmune illnesses, particularly rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and thyroid disease, have been related to early menopause. In such cases, the immune system will misidentify a portion of the body as an intruder. As a result, the body attacks itself and becomes inflamed. If the illness damages the ovaries, it might result in early menopause.

  1. Certain medical therapies

Treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation (frequently used in cancer situations) interfere with fertility. These therapies are harmful to ovarian tissue. They inflict more harm at larger dosages and when directed at the pelvic region. When the ovaries are injured, the number of eggs produced decreases or may not mature for fertilization. This makes pregnancy more complicated and can also lead to early menopause.

Menopause may be a physically and emotionally draining experience. You must deal with the beginning of a new chapter in your life while also dealing with symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, etc. Talk to your healthcare professional about your symptoms and feelings as you go through menopause. They will be able to devise a therapy strategy that addresses both the mind and the body. Call Raveco Medical or schedule a consultation online to learn more about menopause procedures.

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