Everything You Need To Know About The Zantac Lawsuit

Everything You Need To Know About The Zantac Lawsuit

Pharmaceutical mishaps are not so common as most medicines are tried and tested well before being released for public consumption. In some rare cases, drugs can cause severe issues in the long term, and Zantac was one such case. The Zantac lawsuit  became such a case that took the pharmaceutical industry by storm and made it to the headlines.

In case you have been a victim of the Zantac mishap and developed any form of cancer-related to the brain, pancreas, bladder, or stomach, you can file a lawsuit and claim damages. In case you didn’t develop cancer but were taking Zantac, you may file a class-action suit. 

Zantac Lawsuit: The Case

The FDA, 13th September 2019, found carcinogenic contaminant N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in Zantac (ranitidine) that can potentially cause cancer.

Zantac is a medication that is prescribed to cure heartburn and is also available as an OTC version. With the announcement that Zantac may cause cancer, it was immediately pulled out of the market by the FDA, many lawsuits by potential victims followed this.

The first lawsuit was filed in 2019 in the state of California against Sanofi and Boehringer Ingelheim for using an ingredient.

Cancers Caused by Zantac

Lawsuits against Zantac have been filed by consumers who have suffered from the following kinds of cancer with medicine’s consumption.

        Brain cancer

        Kidney cancer

        Liver cancer

        Throat cancer

        Uterine cancer

        Lung cancer

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        Stomach cancer

        Thyroid cancer

        Stomach cancer

        Bladder cancer

        Kidney cancer

        Ovarian Cancer

        Pancreatic cancer

With such a wide variety of cancers caused by the intake of Zantac, it is only apparent that lawsuits followed. The drug manufacturer’s responsibility is to keep up with the safety standards of the drugs they bring out in the market. In the event of such Mishaps that can give fatal diseases to the patients, it makes people doubt the credibility of the medicines they put into their bodies. Imagine , what will happen, if people lose faith in the pharmaceutical industries?

The Zantac mishap and the lawsuit that followed are examples for pharma companies, so they don’t practice negligence in the future. It can be rightly said that the Zantac Lawsuit Shook the pharmacy world for the better as such cases can seriously damage their reputation. The large amount of compensation that pharma companies have to pay after such mishaps gives them the financial jerk.

Are you a victim of Zantac?

If you are a victim of the Zantac Mishap, you should make sure that you take appropriate action and claim damages. You can look for a legal counsel who can assist you with your case and get you the just compensation. It is better to be backed by a counsel who has experience in handling such compensation cases.