Having an ingrown toenail can make simple activities like walking and standing painful. Hence, treating it and getting rid of the ingrown nails is necessary. The treatment for this is usually straightforward, and you can take measures to prevent it from happening again.
However, if you are suffering from some serious conditions like diabetes or loss of blood circulation in your toes due to any reason, make sure to consult a healthcare provider. You can consult ingrown toenail cypress to treat your ingrown toenail and prevent yourself from additional injuries.
What is an ingrown toenail?
An ingrown toenail is a condition that can be observed when an individual’s toenail’s corner grows into the skin. It is usually seen in people with big toes and curved nails.
This condition is common and does not cause higher risks to people with good health. However, it may lead to some serious infections in people with high glucose, blood fat, or nicotine levels.
Who is at risk of getting an ingrown nail?
Ingrown nails are a condition that can be observed in people of any age group, profession, or health condition. But it is common in people with:
- Severe damage in the foot or leg.
- Reduced blood circulation.
- Diabetes.
- Infection in the area surrounding the nail.
Treatment of ingrown toenail
Individuals with small ingrown nails and minute nail problems can treat their ingrown nails at home by following these methods.
- Take some soapy and warm water in a tub and soak your feet in them.
- Place cotton or dental floss beneath the toe to help your nail grow above the edge of the skin.
- Use petroleum jelly to smoothen the area around and bandage the toe.
- Wear footwear with an open toe to help your wound heal faster, and your toe feel better.
- Use pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, which will help to reduce your toe pain.
If you are not able to heal your ingrown nails with the help of home remedies, then here are some treatments that your healthcare provider may prescribe.
- Nail Lifting: Your healthcare provider may carefully lift the toenail for a slight ingrown. Then he or she may place dental floss or cotton underneath to help the nails grow out of the edge.
- Nail Taping: In this treatment, the healthcare provider pulls away the skin from the ingrown nail with the help of tape.
- Placement of gutter splint under the nail: In this treatment, the toes are numb, and a tiny slit tube is placed under the nail. This sprint helps the nail grow above the edge and stays there until required.
Some other surgical methods to treat ingrown nails are removing the nail partially, or if the wound is severe, the provider may remove the nail and the tissue.